Unique Fabrics

Unique Fabrics is a sewing program for teenage girls and young adult women located in the McElderry Park neighborhood of East Baltimore. This program will address the following: skills and jobs development; entrepreneurial potential; cross-generational communication and interaction; out-of-school time activities; math and reading skills; visual arts exposure; and African American history.

Unique Fabrics has the opportunity to mentor girls through some of the most challenging years of their life, having a positive impact by addressing the issue of poverty and providing a skill no longer taught in many homes or within the school system. Baltimore used to be home to several large manufacturing companies, such as London Fog and JoS. Skilled labor was overlooked when the computer age began, but now many industries are having difficulty hiring quality workers. Baltimore can once again attract manufacturing companies, but most important is having girls and women learn to work together.


Mary Alexander, Unique Fabrics

Mary Alexander, Unique Fabrics