Bustle interviewed 16 Baltimore women on police reform, including two Baltimore Corps Fellows. Read Joyell Johnson, Charlotte James and the other interviewees' perspectives in the article below:
A City of Creative Solutions
Newsletter: February 2016
Video: "Creating diverse spaces in the tech sector"
Baltimore Corps Fellow Charlotte James delivered a presentation at AlterConf, in Washington D.C. Watch her full presentation, "Creating diverse spaces of opportunity in the tech sector," below:
Afro: Innovative Baltimore Youth, Innovative Baltimore City
"We must prepare our students to meet the demands of the modern work world while simultaneously pushing companies to employ the scores of untapped locals." - Charlotte James
Charlotte is the Baltimore Corps Fellow at Code in the Schools. Read her full op-ed in The Afro below:
Innovative Baltimore Youth, Innovative Baltimore City
Roughly Speaking: Baltimore's social entrepreneurs
"[Baltimore] is a town that's incredibly resilient, and it's a town that's had a lot of challenges for a long time. Because we've had to endure and tackle those, I think in many ways people have stopped seeing them just as challenges, but also opportunities." - Fagan Harris
Listen to Fagan's complete interview with The Sun's Dan Rodricks in which they discuss social enterprises like CUPs Coffeehouse, the power of Millennials and why Baltimore is "the best place in the world to change the world."